Monday, December 19, 2011

Berry Good Shakes!!!!

Ok, so my hubby has been bugging me about putting on our number one meal/dish/everything of our day, which would begin with our morning shake!!!  I can honestly say that it has been an evolution to find the perfect balance of everything and have it taste delicious and the kids eat it too!  Let me start by saying, when I first met my husband he was always having some type of shake or protein drink when he woke up, I always passed on this because I was never a big breakfast type of person especially some drink chalked full of healthy stuff, I mean really?!? But then he started adding fruit which got me a little bit interested, still having to drink it was more like a chore and trust me he never stopped hearing me complain;)  When we found out we were expecting for the first time, I knew that I had no choice but to find a way that I could drink and get all those nutrients my baby needed as well.  So, here we are 3+ years later and we feel as though it couldn't get any better than this!!! It is our morning ritual to have our shake, which literally takes 5 mins to get ready and served.  I already know the argument about not having enough time, but once you start and see how you feel, it is worth it and takes no more effort than cereal, toast, or whatever!!!  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you don't want to start your kids off with a bunch of processed junk do you?  In our house we have one rule (well we have way more than that, but in regards to breakfast, if you drink your shake you can have it!)  Put it this way, I know that if my kids have drank this they have gotten the goods, anything above that is a bonus!!

We have always used plant milk for our shake and usually not soy milk because as "veganish" people we already get a lot of extra soy in our diet, so we usually do rice, but almond, coconut, hemp, these are all good options.  We purchased a Blendtec about 2 1/2 years ago and it has been the best purchase, I think it really makes a difference to have a good blender and the investment is totally worth it, especially if you use it everyday!!  The fruit we buy frozen except bananas (but a tip, we do freeze a few peeled bananas so if we run out and this prevents them from going bad!!)  When I visited my sister overseas she was sweet enough to buy me fresh fruit (love you sis:)  and they were amazing!!!! On this trip they called me the "shake pusher" because I made these every single morning for everyone and I gave you some major guilt if you tried to turn it down:) Point being if you can buy FRESH!!!  The added supplements we use are flax seeds (give you all your omega three fatty acids) or chia seeds (give omega 3 as well), brewers yeast (gives you all your B vitamins and tons of energy), smoothie mix which has a whole bunch of goodness in it (from my sis in laws shop: and fresh Kale!!!  We drink this every morning and it always puts my body on track, you feel like a million bucks after you drink this!

Berry's Morning Shake (makes 2 servings)
3-4 cups Plant Milk (depending on the consistency you want)
1 cup Blueberries
1 cup Strawberries
1 cup Kale (we freeze ours so it lasts longer)
1 banana
2 TBSP. Flax Seed or Chia Seeds
1 TBSP. Smoothie Mix (get this at and check it out, its the BEST WORKOUT you can get!!)
1 TBSP. Brewers Yeast (get this at too!!, best price and best place:)
1 tsp. hemp seed
dash of Cinnamon
agave to taste

Blend all together and Enjoy!!!!

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